
The governors of Nebraska and 纽约 this month issued official statements of support for aviation, 包括公务航空.

在纽约,州长. Andrew Cuomo said aviation’s economic impact for the state is “fueled by a vibrant and supportive aviation community consisting of airports, 通用航空, 商业航空, 货物运输, 制造合作伙伴, 酒店企业, 供应商及承办商, 工程师及顾问, 飞行员, 力学, 教育机构及其他航空组织.

“Business aviation is a critical tool for companies in 纽约 to improve efficiency, save money and open up opportunities for rural areas not served by 商业航空, 从而带来新的业务, 全州各地的投资和就业机会,他补充道.

The state’s aviation industry contributes more than $50 billion a year in economic activity, 员工近400人,并创造了180亿美元的工资税收入, 大约4美元.每年的州和地方税收达50亿美元.

回顾纽约宣言. (PDF)

内布拉斯加州州长. 戴夫·海涅曼称通用航空(GA), 公务航空和社区机场对内布拉斯加州公民的生活至关重要, 还有本州的企业和农场. 他注意到,250名内布拉斯加人以空中运输为生, and that GA tourism alone supports an additional 403 full-time jobs with a payroll totaling $10.600万年.


“Many communities in Nebraska rely on 通用航空 and community airports for valuable services such as aerial firefighting, 医疗服务, 搜救, 空中农业喷洒和野生动物管理,海涅曼在他的宣言中说道.

回顾内布拉斯加州宣言. (PDF)

到目前为止, 49个州已经正式承认GA的价值, 包括公务航空, through proclamations incorporating themes established through the 没有飞机就没有收获 advocacy campaign.

Launched in 2009 jointly by NBAA and the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), 没有飞机就没有收获 educates the public on the importance of business aviation to our country and its communities, 公司与公民.